Foster Update 1/12/09: Prayers for Sophie and the importance of puppy vaccinations.
Sophie is a young Golden Retriever with gentle and loving spirit. Tragically, Sophie is now fighting for her life because she did not receive the recommended set of puppy vaccinations. Sophie has distemper, a viral disease often lethal and sometimes causing lasting neurological problems. Because of this, Sophie has suffered seizures, high fevers, severe loss of appetite and is very unsteady on her feet.
Her loving fosters are giving her round-the-clock care, including subcutaneous fluids to help reduce her fever and using a syringe to feed her liquefied food. Sophie is putting up a courageous fight against this dreaded disease and GBGRR is doing everything possible to help this sweet girl recover so she can live a long, happy and full life.
We are all pulling for Sophie!
Read more about Sophie at http://www.gbgrr.org/.
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